Personally, I don't like the kind that's too cheesy so I made my own recipe up. Granted, these are all just approximations, but I've never made a bad batch. Thaw out a brick of frozen, chopped spinach & squeeze the hell out of it. Chop up either 2 drained can's of artichoke hearts, or 1 can of hearts & 1 can of artichoke bottoms if you can find them. Hearts of palm works, too, so it's totally just a personal preference. Chop a drained small can (4 oz. I think) sliced mushrooms. In a casserole dish I mix together about 1 1/2 cups mayo, 1 cup sour cream, & 1/3 cup parmesan cheese with a good bit of salt, pepper, & garlic powder. Add in the spinach first & stir, stir, stir until it's all incorporated & then add the shrooms & chokes. I bake it uncovered at 375 for about 35 minutes or until it's brown & bubbly on top. My favorite to serve it with is Tostitos Scoops. I have never, ever, ever had any leftovers no matter where I've brought it or who I've made it for.