sorry, I didn't get a chance to read all of your suggestions, but what about putting them to bed earlier and having everyone get up earlier so there's time for family bonding in the morning? their sleep really is vital; you could get them to bed early and then he could have mornings to play. and then they'll be more fun at that time anyway. do a big family breakfast instead of a big family dinner. do baths in the morning instead of at night. make getting dressed your family time, instead of getting into PJs... you get the idea.
do read Nurtureshock, as someone else suggested. folks who say that time with parents is far more important than sleep are onto something....but they're missing the whole picture. sleep is so truly, shockingly, vitally important.
and those folks who say that you should do one night a week of sleep deprivation (ie. compromise by having the kids adjust their schedule and stay up late one night or more per week) have not actually read the research on sleep and on scheduling sleep. do the research, and you'll realize that while that is good stop-gap advice, it's really not the answer. I'm sorry. It's just not.
But they're right that time with parents is also so very very fundamentally critical to our kids' well-being. which is why we, as parents, have an obligation to prioritize sleep, and then ~make time~ for good quality parent time during appropriate waking hours.
I don't mean to sound judgmental or preachy, and I know we're all doing the best we can... but if he wants healthy, good, supportive and fun time with his kids, then he needs to do it at a time that is not detrimental to their health. I would suggest that you put them to bed even earlier and then ask him to get up to play with them in the morning, after they've had an appropriate, solid night's sleep. the kids and he can have a grand time making breakfast, getting dressed, doing baths, whatever they would otherwise have done at night that he's missing... just make it a good, solid, fun time with Daddy, at a new time of day.
FWIW, my kids know how to make coffee.... and there's very little that makes a kid feel more awesome about him- or her-self than bringing Mommy or Daddy their coffee in the morning. good stuff.
good luck.