Hi S.!
My little guy will be 12 months in September. He's a pretty good napper, but usually cries for about 20-30 minutes before falling asleep. I have two suggestions for you that have worked for us.
First- On the days when my little guy cries very hard when I put him down, I go in every 5 minutes ( and then increase to every 10 if it goes on for a little while) and give him a hug, tell him I love him and that it's time to sleep and lay him back down. He usually cries even harder for about a minute after I leave the room, but after a few times of going in and putting him back down he usually falls asleep.
Second- if your little girl just won't nap have you tried putting her in her crib with some toys and letting her have some "quiet time"? I've found that on the days that my son just doesn't want to nap that it does us both a world of good for him to have a little "quiet time" playing in his crib with a few toys (rattles are a favorite at my house because they make a fun noise when banged against the crib bars). Leave the monitor on and step away and spend a few minutes relaxing (I like to read a chapter in a book)while your daughter plays . It's essential for YOU to have a little break during the day and when she just won't nap this might be a way for you to have a few minutes to yourself while you know she's safe in her crib.