I usually don't get people's name's wrong (that I know of); now that I think about it, I could be saying a lot of people's names wrong!!
But...I always have my name butchered. My name is Z. and it rhymes with China. In high school they called me "Z., Vagina" (jokingly but it was an all-girl school and it just seemed worse somehow:). I get called, "The warrior princess" all the time. I find this odd since I don't say my name is, "Xena" or "Zeena." I always say, "Z., with a long 'i'."
I worked for a company for a whole year and they all called me "Z." as if it rhymed with "Tina." I never corrected anyone. I had grown tired of correcting people and it really didn't matter...I knew who they were talking to, right? Well, my mom called me one day and someone else answered the phone. My boss walked over and said, "Is your name 'Z.'?"(pronounced correctly) She seemed so embarrassed that I had to apologize to her!
I tell people the spelling like this, "Z, like the last letter of the alphabet, I, N, A" and I get mail that reads, "X, I, N, A." I have to ask myself, "What alphabet are they using?" It is just so funny. On the phone, I say, "It's Z." and people respond, "Ina?" I guess the "s" and "z" run together? Caller ID has helped a lot with that one.
Anyway, you are so not alone on this. I always appreciate it when people say something about getting it wrong. It makes for a good laugh and usually people get it right after that.
I need advice on how to correct people. I usually come across as sounding rude so I don't say anything.