It sounds like he's pretty open with you. In a way, he's really right. Babies are kind of boring, especially for a 15 year old who wants to be playing, kicking balls, etc. You can do more with 2 and 3 year olds, and older kids, but I don't know of many 15 year old boys who want to sit and hold a baby. Just let things play out. I think the only thing that might change his mind is when you actually have the baby and he has some time to spend time with it, and still, he might decide that all the crying, etc. is not worth the hassle. This is great! A sister of mine had a similar experience at this age and she called it 'the best birth control ever'. She has kids now, but I know at this age it is developmentally appropriate for kids to be selfish, as far as planning their lives and living for themselves. So if this just convinces him he doesn't want to be a dad - for now - that is a good thing for him to find out.