Yes, parents should contribute! I am a room parent for my daughters first grade class and earlier in the year a letter was sent home requesting $5 from each child's parent / guardian to go towards the classroom parties (fall, winter, and valentines day). Out of a class of 26 we had only three parents (two of which were myself and the other room mom) that replied to the letter. We sent a follow-up reminder a few weeks ago and luckily got ten more responses. We have $65 to spend on three classroom parties for a class of 26. I have agreed, and so has the other room parent, that we will provide whatever is needed to make the parties fun for the kids. I think it's pathetic that parents can't contribute $5 towards their kids classroom parties (and that's $5 for all the parties, not each party) and that's all I will type on that topic because I could go on and on.