My daughter is 3 and was still waking up crying up until a few weeks ago. What did we do different? We took away her cup. Sometimes we were giving her soy milk and sometimes water...she would wake up crying for one or the other and we would just give in because we were tired. Finally...we told her "no" because she was going to ruin her teeth(with the soy milk). We traded her cup for a new blankie(since she has a thing for blankies). She still uses a binkie but we are ok with that because it is only at night and it stays in her bed when she wakes up. Now that she's not drinking at night she's learned to sleep without waking up possibly "hungry" and needing to fill her tummy. Since I know that she will probably wake up crying at around 12am or 1am, I will go in there when she is still sleeping, change her pull up if she's wet, sit her up and give her a sip of water(I don't leave her cup anywhere in her room) and lay her back down. That way she's not waking up thirsty, she's dry, and she hasn't had enough water to make her wet again, so she sleeps until about 8:30a.m. As long as I do all of that, I don't have a crying kiddo. She used to wake up crying 6-8 times a night and no one really slept. Someone else asked about cups and things so I thought I would mention that we found it to be the cause of our daughter's night time crying! Good luck to you!!!