It's great you are responding to her!! You are helping to build her trust in you and bonding with her. Good job Mama!
Some little ones wake more often than others. She may be thirsty, hungry or just need to be comforted. Sleep patterns also change as they are growing, new milestones or teething can disrupt their sleep. Even as grown ups we all have different sleeping patterns. Sometimes we wake up thirsty, have to use the restroom, or just need to know that our spouse is there next to us. But as adults we can care for our own needs. Imagine being dependent on someone else for those needs, it's the middle of the night, you are crying out and the person who cares for you is just ignoring you. I know I wouldn't want to be ignored just because that person wanted me to sleep (and not have their sleep interrupted too).
Just keep doing what you're doing. She'll get there eventually. My first three didn't have night wakings but my last baby did. He stopped waking in the night around 17-18mo.