Hi M.,
Here are some web sites:
Hope this helps. D.
hi everyone. i am very curious if any of you have experienced this. My baby will be nine months next week. She used to sleep long hours through the night in her crib. Mostly 9:30pm to 9:30am. Now she wakes up at 7, no matter what time she goes to bed, but the worst part is that she wants to sleep in my bed. I made the bad mistake of allowing her to fall asleep in my bed, and then i would transfer her to her crib once she falls asleep. Now everytime i try to transfer her, she wakes up. I want her to sleep in her crib, mostly for safety reasons. When she would go to bed at night, i would clean the house or do what needed to be done. What do you think caused this change in her sleeping? Is it separation anxiety? or maybe because she just finished teething like 5 teeth at at time?
I want to thank everyone for their responses and suggestions! It was actually easier than I expected to get my daughter to sleep in her crib. The first night I layed her down in her crib, and she cried for like 25 minutes. I came and went, coming in to say good night, and then ended up staying and singing to her, and rubbing her head. She went right out. The next night, i told my fiancee it was his turn. (He works at night, so since it was Saturday night, his night off, i decided he needed to participate too) He was in there for like 25 minutes rubbing her head, but she didnt cry one bit. Then was last night. No crying, and she went to sleep in like 15 minutes. Then tonight, i layed her down, and she was sleeping within 5 mintues. OMG, this is so great! I dont know if I would have had the courage to do it, if you all hadnt responded. Thank you! The only down side is that she wakes up in the morning screaming and crying. She never did this before. Hopefully she will out grow this too. But hey, I'll take that as long as she sleeps through the night in HER crib! Thank you!
Hi M.,
Here are some web sites:
Hope this helps. D.
If it is one thing any mom will tell another, it is that just when you think you have it all figured out... they will change what you've known to be true! :)
Their sleeping patters will likely follow a few weeks and then change again. All I can offer to you is advice from my experience, it may not hold true for all children.
Keep a consistent bed time routine - I believe they recommend... bath, brushing teeth, reading books, etc. Whatever you choose, just always do the same thing.
Also, as hard as it will be, get her into her own bed as soon as possible. The longer it is, the harder it will be. And do it before she can call 'Mommy!' in the middle of the night - that is heartbreaking!
For us, we rocked our girl to sleep too long - we had a heck of a time getting her to get into her crib then - she'd wake up as soon as we'd try to move her in. It took over a week of crying until she finally just went to sleep in her own bed... and a few nights more of her waking up crying after that.
Best wishes!
I am the mother of a 10 year old little girl. I nursed her and often had her in bed with me so I didn't have to get up at night. This turned into a huge problem when she was about 15 months old. It took two weeks of crying and sleepless nights to get her to go to sleep in her bed. I would fix this problems as soon as possible. The best way is to get a firm bedtime routine down and stick to it. This is the most helpful thing with children. Second, you have to put her in the crib and let her fall asleep there. She will cry and it will be a little upsetting for you. You have to make her stay there. Go in every 15 minutes or so and repeat the same phrase (like good night i love you and i will see you in the morning) until she is alseep. This is easier with a child who cannot get out of bed so I suggest you start now.
As for the sleeping pattern, she is a person and this will happen often throughout her life. My daughter's sleeping habits change depending on the time of year (school/summer), her growth spurts, or if something is new or unfamiliar. The best thing is to monitor (and not worry haha).
Hope this helps and good luck!
I disagree with it being too late to go to bed. Only a baby and also depends on when she naps and parent's schedule etc. sleeping 9 1/2 hours at once is great and something to be happy with.
Need to get her back in her crib and probably just need to put her there when she is sleepy and maybe have a couple crying nights and she'll learn to fall asleep on her own.
yes sleeping patterns change constantly and yes just when you think its one way boom another.
Sorry to say, but the reason she wants to sleep in your bed is because you let her! You must get her back in the crib, for safety and sanity. Try the Ferber book on sleeping if you have trouble with this transition back to crib. You will probably listen to some crying. Just keep reminding yourself that this is the best thing for her. You are her parent and you are in charge. Good luck, you will do great!
Hi M.. I also made the 'mistake' of brining my child into my own bed. Once they realize they like that so much better, of course they want it all the time! My guess is that if you continue, she will wake up more often and cry more until you have her in there from night until morning. Sleep patterns also change, but I think having her in your bed is the bigger issue. I ended up co-sleeping for quite some time and was comfortable with it, but when the time came to get them to sleep by themselves it was NOT easy. It will be much easier to break now than later.
Good luck!
Hi M., Kids do change their sleep patterens. And sometimes it doesn't take much to start a change. Your right, letting her fall asleep in your bed is a bad habit to start and you need to work on that right away. Once you get her comfortable with falling asleep in her own bed things should settle down for you. Breaking bad habits is really hard...espically when kids are so little. But it can be done in just a few nights if you really work on it. Put her in her bed just as you would put her in yours. Leave the room. If you choose to go back in when she cries (I know it is impossible to listen to without breaking your heart.) Just don't pick her up. Comfort her while she is in the crib. Rub her back, pat her, talk to her softly. But don't pick her up and out of the crib. She will go to sleep. It may take a while, but it will work. Once you get a couple of "no problem nights" don't vary your routine for about a month to make it solid for her. The experts say it takes at least 30 days to make anything a habit. One of the best things you can give your child is the gift of independant sleep. It is something they need for a healthy life. Good luck and best wishes!
You need to put her in her crib when she is tired. if she cries let her. she will probably stop and go to sleep within five minutes. most of the time babies will sleep better if they put themselves to sleep. you need to let her self soothe. it is not mean but this way she will get used to going in the crib and going to sleep. do not let her stay in the bed with you any longer. my four year old neice sleeps in the bed with my sisterinlaw and brother. besides safety reasons is it fair to your partner?
Yup- I'm going through this too. My daughter sleeps from 6:30 pm to 6:30 am usually but the last week or so she has been up at 5:30 or 6:00 am. I've read that there is a lot that goes on during the 9th month- my daughter just learned to crawl and got her first two teeth in. Also I think there is a growth spurt associated with this month.
Anyway, we had her sleep trained at 5 months and now when she wakes early (before her "set" wake up time) we just keep her in her crib. If it is one or more hours before her wake time then I have my hubby change her diaper quickly and she usually puts herself back to sleep.
Developmental milestones have a huge effect on sleep as does teething and your daughter just had 5 teeth come in. I'd say she just got used to you going in and getting her and maybe some sleep training is needed to get her back on track. It's not fun but it is very much worth the effort. Where she was a good sleeper to begin with it may not take too long for her to get back into good sleep habits. The Sleepeasy Solution by Jennifer Waldburger helped us "end the madness" and gave us some peace of mind that we were doing what was best for our girl.
Hope this helps.
First, this is a normal problem. Kids go through a rough sleeping patch about this age because they are working on so many skills. Second, her bedtime is WAY too late. 8 at the latest is age-appropriate. 7 am is a great wake up time at this age, it's hard to get young children to sleep in.
I think you should work on her falling asleep in her crib rather than trying to transfer her while she's asleep--that gets harder and harder as they get bigger. How opposed are you to some level of CIO?
Put her to bed in her own crib, be firm, and she will adjust. It will be harder to make the switch later as she gets older. It is safer for her to sleep alone. You deserve to function and get things done at night, and she deserves to feel safe and secure falling asleep on her own. Don't encourage separation anxiety by causing her to depend on you for sleeping. Kids adapt well to sleeping on their own unless conditioned otherwise.
Hi M. -
Don't ever get comfortable with a child's sleep pattern, because it will change, no matter what the age...You've been very lucky with your daughter's sleep schedule up until now. I agree with the other response that 9:30pm is late. Since her patterns are changing anyway, look at this as an opportunity to change the bedtime routine...such as taking her to her room at 7pm, bath, reading a story, brushing her teeth, laying her down awake. It may be a difficult couple of weeks to transition, but that is the ideal situation. I ended up rocking my daughter to sleep at that age and I had a difficult time breaking her of that habit and by then, I felt guilty for the turmoil it caused. There really are so many things going on at this time in her life, that you should prepare for some challenging times. Fortunately for you, it sounds like she is a good sleeper overall, so you have that working in your favor. Good luck!!
She is growing and now she is more aware of what's going on around her. I had my babies sleep in the same room as me ONLY until they were 3-4 months old. Waking up at 7am is completely normal, as long as she still takes a good nap (or 2)during the day. You may want to try to make her bedtime earlier.
Also, I would definitely NOT allow her to fall asleep in your bed. As you are now realizing, it will be terribly hard to get her in her own crib. For her sake and yours, I would put her in her own crib for all naps and bedtime. It'll probably take you several weeks for her to adjust to this, but it's worth it in the long run. I also, agree with the other posts that you may need to incorporate some special sleep training.
Good luck.