The general consensus seems to be that the Ezzo's book, "Baby Wise" really stinks! I, too agree that there are some very "stinky" parts to that book, but I was able to pick a few gems out of it that really helped my kiddos to sleep through the night as babies, WITHOUT too much crying. As simplistic as this sounds, for us (and many of my firends, as well), it was all about what I did with my guys during the day that made all the difference, and I did not have to let them be hungry or scream alone at night. Having a sleep-eat-play-sleep-eat-play schedule (or as close as your particular baby can come to that) during the day helps them to get enough food during the day and to establish good rest so that they are not so over-tired or hungry at night that they are up, up, up. Here is what I and my friends have found: you have to pick a morning wake-up time and a bed time and stick with it. I chose a 7:30 PM bedtime and 7:30 AM wake-up time. No matter what, even if you just nursed at 6:00 AM, you put baby back to sleep after nursing and then wake him up at 7:30. At 7:30, wake him up fully, give him as full a feeding as he will take, keep him awake as long as you can, then lay him down for a nap. When he wakes up from the nap, do it all over again. Then, at about 7:00 PM, give him his last feeding of the day (again, as full a feeding as possible), lay him down to sleep. Here is where the Ezzo's and I part company: during the night, when my babies would FULLY WAKE (I'm talking awake enough to scream for food, not just restlessly fussing), I would, of course, feed them, then put them right back down to sleep. I did not make them "tough it out" so mom could sleep. If your last feeding of the night comes not long before the 7:30 wake-up time, you will want to make it a scant feeding so that baby will be hungry enough to take a full feeding at wake-up time. The goal is to work up to around 3 1/2 or four hours betwen feedings during the day, though this is very individual to each child. This sort of schedule can be flexible. For instance, with my second son, I only produced a little milk at a time, so instead of a sleep-eat-play-sleep scheduele, I had him on a sleep-eat-play-eat-sleep schedule during the day so that he would get enough food to sustain him though his naps. There were some times when he was older that I did have to let him fuss a little at being put in bed, but i always knew that he was well fed and had lots of attention, so I didn't stress about it too much. My second son was VERY collicky for the first four months, so I held him a lot. But keeping him on the wake-up-and-eat day schedule even got that collicky baby sleeping 8-10 hours per night by 3 1/2 months. It may sound hokey that just by being consistent about feedings and naps during the day, a baby will start sleeping at night... but I have found that it really works, like magic. If you are consistent, the baby will eventually give up night-time feedings because his body knows he needs rest, not food. If you are interested in giving this a try, and my email is too convoluted to undestand, please feel free to email me at luck to you!!