I second that every baby is different. My baby would sleep by himself for about a week then had to be held non stop. Even to this day he still has to be held sometimes. But what I did was get a swaddle (I suggest either a woombie or a miracle blanket) and then put him in his swing. I did that for a month then tried one night to put him in his crib still swaddled. He slept perfectly. It was beautiful. Until teething. Now his sleep is unpredictable. I swaddled until he was 4 months old and then could get out of it. Then you swaddle ween him and O was a perfect sleeper till those darn teeth.
I second that every baby is different. My baby would sleep by himself for about a week then had to be held non stop. Even to this day he still has to be held sometimes. But what I did was get a swaddle (I suggest either a woombie or a miracle blanket) and then put him in his swing. I did that for a month then tried one night to put him in his crib still swaddled. He slept perfectly. It was beautiful. Until teething. Now his sleep is unpredictable. I swaddled until he was 4 months old and then could get out of it. Then you swaddle ween him and O was a perfect sleeper till those darn teeth.