I know someone that had this before and it they did have a kidney infection, but he drank quite often. Is she on a daily regimen of meds by chance? She can try calling her insurance and try getting it approved sooner, is she in pain?
My sister watched my little guy last night while I helped my niece with volleyball. Well today my sister called and said that she was sick with a fever, but didn't know she had a fever until we left last night. She called me at lunch to say that she has an enlarged spleen and kidneys. The doc ordered a CT scan, but the insurance won't approve it until Friday. Does anyone have any ideas what this could be? I am worried about her.
Also they have ruled out the flu and strep.
Any ideas?
Thanks Mama's
She takes script vitamins and thyroid medicine, not sure what else. The med's the doctor prescribed until Friday are $375. They are trying to get her something else, but they didn't know if they could last time I spoke with her.
I know someone that had this before and it they did have a kidney infection, but he drank quite often. Is she on a daily regimen of meds by chance? She can try calling her insurance and try getting it approved sooner, is she in pain?
Sounds like a kidney infection to me.
the insurance can approve it immediately but not sure why they aren't. is the doctor concerned about it? if so, escalate it at the insurance carrier to get things moving. good luck!
The only infection I know of that enlarges the spleen is mononucleosis. Digestive enzymes will break down a virus, pass it through the system and are perfectly safe for anyone. The only other thing I can think of is a parasitic problem which is probably not going to be "contagious."
God bless, Praying you find out soon!