Meadowlands YMCA is in Lyndhurst (just across the river from Nutley). I have taken their classes with my toddler but we have not tried the camp.
My son is finishing Kindergarten soon and my daughter is in Pre-K. The Pre-K program is a year-round program so she will be in school while my son is out for the summer. They are both doing very well in school. I don't want to have my son lose his enthusiasm for school by going to a babysitter and watching TV and playing games all day. I was looking into possibly putting him in a day camp or summer day program. Any suggestions or ideas?
Meadowlands YMCA is in Lyndhurst (just across the river from Nutley). I have taken their classes with my toddler but we have not tried the camp.
Hi J.,
I live in Belleville, so do you live in Newark or Nutley. I have a co-worker who lives in Nutley I could get some info for you. I love nutley and hope to live there on day. They have the best programs for kids. :) The YWMCA in Newark has the summer program in Newark or Belleville. If I were you I would do Belleville. My daughter was in the Belleville program last summer and she liked it a lot. They do lots of things with the kids including taking them to the Newark Y for swimming. Actually they run the after-care program in my daughters school and I will get the flyer for the summer program. This year I am not sending her because it looks like I will be out of work this summer so no need for it. She attends school number 8 if you want to call the Y in Newark and get the info yourself. In nutley, if you are not a resident you cannot attend there programs. However, since the runs the program from Newark and Belleville you could join either. The reason I like belleville is because they run it from within the school. The Newark program runs it from the Gym in Newark. I did not like the idea of adults walking around all the time with the kids near by. Well thats just me. :)
The RAINBOW ACADEMY in RUTHERFORD is the BEST Summer Camp program that I've ever seen or experienced.
I'd go there if I were you (Nutley isn't "too" far away from Rutherford....)
check into the town programs in each area. if you work in nutley, you may have to provide them with proof of this to get into the program. you may also have to pay extra. also the twon may not let you in if you are not a resident. but try.