Hi Em
Glad you think it is important. God Bless you and your family - and by that I mean everyone whose life you touch as well - because of your role in making your environment a peaceful and loving one.
On this particular matter, my take is that every mintute we can spend with each other is a precious memory. We want to be there as often as possible but other factors like cost and comfort must step in. I think if you were to say to your Mother-in-law straight up - "Mom we loving spending all our time with you here but I do feel that because the driving is a little hard for (husband), would you mind if we slept at the hotel and come over on mornings I think this may help him be more comfortable for the drive back" .
On the other hand "I know that she is going to be a little hurt because it is the being altogether - seeing you last thing before each one goes to bed first thing in the morning (in case of her son/grand is a little memory that is precious now)but God will guide you both. Maybe - buy a blow up bed - single or double as space permits it could be taken down every day. It could be left there just for visits.
One of my memories (can you imagine it)one day/night of a family week-end in Maryland - 21 persons in a 3-bedroom house - every sofa and makeshift bed in basement/living room - ("wherever there was room in the inn") - children/adults/seniors everyone taken care of. None of us will ever forget the fun/talks etc. being right there for each other or whoever not having to leave just yet. I am sorry to be so long but the reason I am doing this is because my eldest sister and her husband who took the head of household responsibility for a family of 12 ranging from 21 - 1 year on the death of my mother/father within one year of each other(this in her 20s, married 1 year and just having had her 1st child). They had previously lived with their daughter and that's where I stay when my family goes to visit. Recently,they decided to get an apartment in a small (senior citizen)building. She has been asking be to come over to that same 'sofa situation'. When we go we are very comfortable at my niece's (and like you are suggesting when we get up and get things together that's where go and spend all our time too, but on considering your question - it made me understnad the importance of "every moment availability. My sister makes sure she speaks to everyone of us eavery day if only to say "just wanted to know what you are doind. We are now 9 still alive. Hope this helps you make your decision and in this busy world we live in we sometimes trip over the little important things. Peace and Love FayeG