1200 cals. and walking a few times per week should have nothing to do with being bloated and foggy unless your not eating healthy or not getting enough sleep. You might want to go to your doctor and find out what's going on. If just bloated, then that's a different story. Bloating can be caused by hormones, gassy foods, too much diet or regular soda, the heat, (It's been rather hot out lately.) digestive problems, water retention, etc. Feeling foggy with bloating can be hormones, not enough carbs, dehydration, not enough sleep, anxiety, etc. Walking for me only maintains my weight. I am one of those people, who can walk everyday for 30-60 min. and not see any weight loss. I have to raise the intensity level. You need to have aerobics. It's nice if you can add a little resistance, but if you can't, don't push it. You don't want to hurt yourself. Just make sure you're eating lots of fruit and vegies and complex carbs. You don't need to over do the protein. Also, consider exercising 6-7 days per week for 35-40 min./day. Alternate your work-outs. One day dance, the next day do some resistance bands, the next day treadmill, the next day an exercise video, the next day yoga, etc. Make exercise your playtime. Then you will see the pound start to melt off. You have to be persistant and consistant.