May I suggest a French Press? It's not drip coffee, but I love it and other than my timer going *ding* after four minutes, most certainly quiet.
You are welcome to PM me if you need directions on using French Press to make an excellent cup of coffee.
Veruca-- easy-peasy french press cleanout-- I simply pull out the plunger, soak the parts at the bottom (the screen and the other metal pieces which hold it in place and wash by hand, only fingertips on the screen). The carafe-- I fill it with hot water and then all of it through a fine mesh strainer (how I clean my loose-leaf teapot each day), let the strainer catch the grounds then pound them out into compost bowl or trash. Until I got the strainer, yep, life was harder.
Oh, and they have 8 cup presses. (I have one, makes four standard cups of coffee.) I have a "2" cup (makes one standard cup), a four cup (two standards) as well... When we have company, all can be in use or backups for the decaf folks.