That's way higher than anywhere in Oklahoma. I would call and see what the rates are at the local child care facilities. Most of them only get a couple of dollars per hour for children. Child care does not pay minimum wage.
Since you are not a professional care giver or have any training that is required to be one I would group you with a 1 STAR facility in Oklahoma.
In a 1 STAR facility in Oklahoma:
The average pay for an infant/toddler, ages 6 weeks to 24 months, $14.50 per day, does not matter what hours of the day, just for up to a 10 hour day.
For a pre/schooler: 25 months to 48 months, is $12.25 per day.
For a schoolaged child they would get $10.25 per day.
So you can see how outrageous your prices are compared to what an actual home child care that has a professional person with training and a licence can get when they take care of kids that get paid child care by the state of Oklahoma.
For an "Under 4" kids you would be paid a total of $24.5 per day.
If you had training and were licensed then I would expect you to be able to get higher pay. In Oklahoma a 1+ STAR facility gets a bit more but that person is going to be working on getting a much higher STAR rating by getting a fully accredited curriculum, getting some sort of college degree, all kinds of things to gain all the way up to a 3 STAR rating.
BUT, even in a 3 STAR home the state will only pay them $27.75 for a child under the age of 2 years and $23.75 per day for a child 24-48 months old. So that would be $51.50 per day, for the highest rated child care home in the state. That would only be $257.5 per week for about 50 hours of care, full time.
Pay scale for child care subsidy in Oklahoma:
Most kids are in child care at least 9 hours and most are for about 9.5 up to 10 hours per day. If the parents work an 8 hours shift then have a lunch hour that is already a 9 hour day, then they have travel time to and from work. If the boss or some co-worker doesn't catch them on the way out...well, it can be a full 10 hours easy.