A Normal day in child care averages about 9-10 and yours is there about the right amount of time. Child care is by the week, not by the day. She gets paid whether he is gone all week, even one day out, or there every day. You are paying for the slot.
In Oklahoma, the state has a subsidy program to assist lower income families with child care expenses. I am putting in a link to their provider pay scale. It can be confusing so I'll try to explain it a bit.
In Oklahoma we use a STAR system to designate the quality of the facility.
1 STAR is minimal, they have little or no training, they don't have all the qualifications of items needed to supply adequate care yet but may be working on building up their supplies.
1+ STAR is the rating each and every child care facility starts out with. They can be licensed and chose to sign a contract with the state or not to receive payments from then for the care they might provide for these lower income families.
2 STAR Usually means the director has a college degree in the area of child development or education. They have teachers in every classroom that are certified and that have been working for several years at least.
3 STAR is the highest. They have very good criteria and curriculum and have many staff and employees extra during the day to help.
An Enhanced are is a county with at least one large town in it. We are an enhanced county and out biggest town only has about 30K in it. An enhanced area gets paid more per hour.
For a 2 year old child:
In a 1 STAR home they would get paid $12.25 per day or $61.23 per week.
In a 1+ home they would get paid $17.25 per day or $86.25 per week.
In a 2 STAR home they would get paid $21.25 or $106.25
and finally in a 3 STAR home they would be paid:
So I think she is extravagantly high.