Potty Training Issues - Baltimore,MD

Updated on June 11, 2014
M.M. asks from Baltimore, MD
6 answers

My daughter has been potty trained for two years she'll be four this year. She does great with going to the bathroom even goes by herself and gets up at night if she has to pee. But for some reason she keeps wetting herself at daycare. When she first started she did great then she started peeing her self. She's been at daycare for almost a year. Last week she did good no incident but as of yesterday it has started again. What could be the issue?

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So What Happened?

I have talked to the daycare teacher. And I think it's because she see some of the other kids do it and get attention for it so she does it for the attention too. I've asked them to encourage her to go before and after meals or drinking something, nap time and play time. But I'm not sure how consistent they are but my daughter knows how to taker herself without anyone telling her she does it at home with no problem. So I'm a little confused I have made a doctors appt just to explore all possibilities

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answers from Chattanooga on

Maybe there is so much going on at day care that she doesn't want to stop and use the bathroom.

Maybe she isn't as comfortable about using their bathroom.

If she has to ask to use it, maybe she is uncomfortable with that.

Or, like you said, it's for attention.

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answers from Des Moines on

Please don't rule out the possibility of a UTI, which is very common in little girls. My daughter was 4 when she first got one and the ONLY symptom was wetting herself at school. It is really worth a trip to the doctor, or if you have a dollar store nearby, they sell UTI kits (just like pregnancy kits) and have her pee on the stick and you can tell.

If it is a UTI, it will only get worse and could become a kidney infection.

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answers from Norfolk on

It's common at this age (and up through first grade sometimes).
Kids get busy with something or friends, they are having fun and don't want to disrupt the fun with a bathroom break.
When the peer pressure embarrassment factor kicks in (they'll make fun if pants get wet too often), she'll be more motivated to make sure she stays dry.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I'd ask the day care. They need to figure out what is going on in that 4 year old classroom. I'd speak to the director and ask her to find a way to sit in the classroom and watch the interactions between the teacher and your child. I'd make sure she watched to see if there was any reason the child isn't allowed to use the bathroom or if there is something she doesn't like about that room.

I had a little girl once upon a time that didn't like the color of the girls bathroom so she wouldn't go. Once I let her go to the boys when it was empty she didn't have any more problems.

She's also very young to be completely trained. Kids have periods of perfect dry spells then they'll go through a phase where they wet or pooh 3-5 times per day.

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answers from Washington DC on

My guess is it is one of two things, she is so busy having fun that she doesn't want to stop her play to go, or she is afraid of the bathroom for some reason (my son would try to hold it all day at that age unless he was forced to go). If she only has accidents at school I would think it would not be a UTI.

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answers from Jacksonville on

Have you talked to the daycare people? Start there.

You know your daughter's personality best. What do you think the reason is? Do you really think she would pee her pants for attention b/c she sees other kids get attention for it? She wants attention for that? That doesn't really make sense to me, if she is receiving appropriate amounts/types of attention already (is she?)

My own daughter (potty trained at 2) was and IS a rule follower. VERY aware of rules and very concerned with not breaking them. She never had accidents after she moved to panties (2nd birthday)... even at night (that part was luck and physical development I suppose--you can't really night train--it isn't up to them whether or not they wake up, ya know?). I digress.

She never had accidents, and I mean never. When she started kindergarten, she had several, so I asked some questions (her and the teacher). It tended to happen at times like, reading group time, when the kids were assembled in a small group taking turns doing an activity, and where you were supposed to be quiet and not talk when it wasn't your turn to read. So she would do that (and not ask to get up from the group to use the bathroom). She also felt uncomfortable just getting up from a situation like that WITHOUT asking. So, she wet her pants, instead, not for attention, but b/c she was trying to hold it until the activity was over and failed.

I had to really talk to her and make her KNOW that it was perfectly fine and expected, that she should go use the potty whenever she needed, even without asking. That it was NOT breaking any rules. And I confirmed this in front of her teacher, with her teacher telling her the same thing in front of me.

After that, no more accidents.

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