Potting Training - Clearfield,UT

Updated on March 24, 2009
I.A. asks from Clearfield, UT
7 answers

I have a 3 year old son that is not potty trained. I have been trying everything for the last week and he is not interested. He goes pee in the toilet fine when I ask him too. But never goes on his own. And he never goes poo in the toilet. Its like he is almost scared. What should I do?

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answers from Provo on

My son, who's now five, had the same issues. The babysitter is the one who finally got him to go poop on the toilet. He was always in such a hurry to get out of the bathroom. She finally asked him to try and he did it. It takes boys a little longer so I would just hold on. My middle son showed no signs at all and he was well over three. Remember to keep things on the lighter side. Just use a lot of positive encouragement. They love to hear, "You are such a big boy" "You are such a big helper for me when you show the younger sibling"



answers from Provo on

i had a hard time with my son to he was 3 beffore he was finaly potty trained after trying everything what seemed to finaly work was rewarding him i had gotten a potty time chart and i puurchest a basket that sat on the bathroom counter wich i filled with dollerstore prizes so he could see the prizes but new he couldnt have them unless he urned them. i would give him a sticker everytime he pottyed and after filling a row wich was about 8 times he would get to choose a prize and if he went poo he got a big sticker and an automatic prize and once he started doing good with that i just gradualy made it ware he had to fill more rows on the chart to get a prize it worked realy well he seemed verry proud of him self. we also had the elmos potty time video and he realy liked that. so theres what worked best for me i hope that helps



answers from Boise on

I have to agree that he isn't ready. Either wait, or get into the habit of reminding him. I have a 4-yr old that still has to be reminded and we have accidents almost daily if not more. You might save yourself some headache if you have him try to have a bowel movement in the toilet right after breakfast (or time it when he usually goes in his diaper/pull-up).



answers from Boise on

If your son is not interested then stop and wait. Some boys wait until they are 4 to potty train.

You must remember that potty training takes more than a week. There are books out there that say it can be done in a week, well the initial idea can be done in a week, but to actually get the idea and concept could take a couple weeks to a month or more.

My son is 2 and because he is a twin he potty trained with his sister. There are days now that he says no when he needs to be going potty, and at night he is not potty trained at all.

What I did at first was to take a baby doll and have them show me how the baby goes potty. Then I had them practice pulling their underwear up and down. Then I had them feel their underwear and say dry. Keep your underwear dry. Then every 15 minutes I would ask them to check. Every hour I would put them on the potty and make them sit for awhile. If they went potty I would get all excited and give them a treat (whatever their favorite thing is. My son loves little Dibs ice cream treats so that's what I used). If they went potty I would wait 2 hours, while still asking them if their underwear was dry. If they didn't I would wait an hour and put them back on.

If they wet their underwear I would have them hold it in their hand and say kaka, gross and make them tell me where they go potty and have them sit on the potty. Then of course they would wash their hands. We would start with another pair of underwear and start the process all over again. It will take about a week for this procedure.

Then once they get the idea I would just remind them in the morning to keep their underwear dry. Every 2 hours I would have them go and sit on the potty. One day you will be sitting there working on something and you will hear the toilet flush. Once they are in this stage I would take them to the store, if you haven't already, and pick out their favorite underwear. Then get some plain old white ones. Put on their favorite ones in the morning and tell them to keep them dry. If they potty or poo in them then they get the white ones, and really play it up. Then you will know that you don't have to remind them to go potty.

With poo training you do need to teach them the concept of squeezing on the toilet. They are used to bending and squatting or however, and you you need to put them on the potty and tell them to go poo or kaka. (we use kaka) Teach them to squeeze while sitting and you squeeze while you are showing them how to do it. Pretty soon they will run to the potty saying kaka kaka even if they only have gas. :)

Good luck and know that this stage will pass and you will look back on it thinking wow! That didn't take long. (Although I am so glad that I will not be going through that stage again :) )



answers from Boise on

He's not ready. Wait.

(I've got 3 boys.)



answers from Denver on

You have two choices, just stay with it, put him on the potty every hour, without asking, just telling him it is time to try. When he does, CELEBRATE and make it a huge deal. Set up something he can work for that he really wants, a special toy, day out at Chuck E Cheese, something that is important to him.
Get a big kid potty cover for the big toilet, it makes it a lot less stressful and I don't like potty seats because that is a whole different transition and most 3 year olds are too big for them so you have to readjust. If you train him on the big potty you will save yourself.

Second choice, let it go for now. Just simply explain he will be in pullups and here is his new underwear so when he is ready to be a big boy it is here. Just really stress what big boy priviledges come with going on the potty. Just leave it alone. I think all kids have their point where they are ready and willing and those that aren't interested yet even if their bodies are.

Boys take longer. If he is 3 1/2 and he can hold it, make it to the potty, knows when he has to go, wakes up dry then he is ready however you need to find what incentive to get him ready mentally. For my son it was transformers, for my daughter it was Santa calling her saying he had big girl toys if she was in underwear. All kids have something they want bad enough to make the effort. Get him in the habit by doing the work of getting him to the potty every hour to hour and a half, DO NOT EVER ask a child if they have to go, 98% of the time they will say no as they are too busy doing something or playing. Just simply say "we need to go try, if you don't go that is just fine" and be upbeat and matter of fact. Don't show stress about it, just shrug and say "well when you are ready to be a big boy". I know with a younger sibling getting attention for diapers that is another story too and sometimes adds to it being drawn out.

HUGS, good luck. Just relax and let it go if you have to. Him seeing you stressed will esculate it. I doubt he is afraid and if he is, just maybe have him go in when you go so he sees it isn't scary and really talk it up and encourage him. A week isn't long if he isn't wanting to yet. I worked with my daughter for a few months, then Santa called and it was done! :) For my son in two or three weeks he got his Transformer and it was done.



answers from Denver on

Explain that the toilet is like a trash can for his poop and pee....And that his poop and pee gets to go to a big party with everyone else's poop and pee when he flushes the toilet. Explain that it isn't a sad or scary thing when the poop and pee go down the toilet. Also maybe just wait a couple of months and potty train him outside during the summer using a portable potty chair (and if it scares him only you flush). He is acting totally normal!


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