Pitted Ripe Olives??

Updated on March 03, 2011
E.T. asks from Stafford, VA
6 answers

Okay, super silly question but I just happened to be logged in and Google wasn't any help....

What are pitted ripe olives? Are those the ones at the olive bar? Or are they the black ones in the can? Its for a new recipe so I'm clueless.


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So What Happened?

Fantastic, thank you!! My family loves those too, but for some reason the "ripe" was throwing me off!

More Answers



answers from San Francisco on

Black ones in the can with the hole in them where the pit (seed) used to be. LOVE them. Our family (my side) can't have a gathering without them.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Bloomington on

They're just black olives without seeds in them. You can find them canned near the pickles at the grocery.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Denver on

Pitted just means the pit (seed) is removed. You can use whatever tastes best to you, but most recipes mean black, unless specified green.



answers from Honolulu on

You find them in cans or at the olive bar in grocery stores.
Personally, I like the 'green' olives, better.

So MANY kinds of olives and different tastes.



answers from Denver on

The quick answer is probably yes and yes. Ripe olives are black and green olives are not ripe. I suppose different varieties of olive are slightly different colors and I don't have time (or money) to experiment at the olive bar. Be sure to read the label, or ask at the deli bar, to get the ones without pits. If the recipe calls for pitted, it probably means you could break a tooth if you get the other kind.



answers from Boise on

black ones in the can.... enjoy your recipe!

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