hey K.H
it sounds like to me your haveing implantaion bleeding i would go buy another test and check that one .if it comes back + i would assume you are with child good luck to you
So this happened with my first born and I'm wondering if it is happening again? I spotted on Tuesday and then haven't had anything since. Today I started bleeding but when I took a pregnancy test there was a faint line indicating that I would be pregnant. But it appears that I have gotten my period. This also makes it hard to determine when I am actually ovulating. Would I count day one of my cycle the day that I spotted or today with actual bleeding. Or am I pregnant and bleeding?
Well I have been having brown spotting when I wipe since my last post...I thought I was getting my period and then later today I wiped and had dark red. I called the doctor on Monday and the nurse suggested I wait to take another pregnancy test until Friday and see if I get my period by then. So I assumed I got my period and put a tampon in and then when I took it out later there really wasn't much on it. I guess I will keep waiting but if I am having my period then when do I count it as starting? A week ago today it today? How do I know when I am ovulating to try again?
hey K.H
it sounds like to me your haveing implantaion bleeding i would go buy another test and check that one .if it comes back + i would assume you are with child good luck to you
your early but your pregnant you need to call the dr and get on prenatals if your not all ready. If it will make you feel better if you get three per box test. and take a test every other day the lineshould start getting darker. Congradulations!!!!
You are either pregnant or having/had a miscarriage, since you can't get the faint line without having the pregnancy hormone in your body. I spotted during my last pregnancy and ended up having a healthy baby. I hope all turns out well for you!
Sorry I am responding late, I just checked my emails today! If you had a positive line, then you are pregnant. It does not mean you are losing the baby because it was faint. The bleeding is kinda scary but it also does not mean you are losing the baby. But you are for sure pregnant. See your doctor. I took a pregnancy test and had the faintest line ever and nine months later I had my baby! But you should go in, if you were not bleeding. Good luck! And congrats! For sure let us know what happened!
It's hard to say unless you can set a clock by your cycle. I had implantation bleeding with my first son but at the time I was almost 8 weeks pregnant. I thought I was going to lose him. Because of that I was under the belief that one had to be at least 6 weeks or more before experiencing an implantation bleed. I could be wrong though! I have had three pregnancies and each one was completely different.
you are pregnant....any type of line (even if it is faint) means pregnant. It is hard to say what is going on right now in terms of the bleeding. I would call your doctor asap. they can usually run blood tests that would give them a better idea what direciton this pregnancy is heading in or possibly do an ultrasound or both. Good luck to you...I will keep my fingers crossed that all is well and things move forward!!
Make an appointment with your OB/GYN first thing Monday and be sure to detail your complaints. You can have bleeding during implantation-- my sister had this with 2 of her 3 kids (both born healthy and right on time). Hopefully all is well. GOOD LUCK!
I would wait a couple of days and test again to make sure. It is more than likely implanation bleeding. If there is a faint line than you were definately pregnant. I am about 6 weeks now and had some light bleeding that turned into a little heavier bleeding. It turned out I had vaginal tear and my hemrroid was acting up again. Oh, the joys of pregnancy :) So, they could always be another explanation for the bleeding.