We've been dealing with ADHD for a while now and I've never seen anything like that. It's definitely worth mentioning to the psychiatrist. I suspect it's not related to the ADHD (but I'm also not a doctor).
We are taking my son to see the PSY later this month. But I have some questions.
My son gets going and can not slow down. He can not shift gears and go back to slow, he keeps going and going and going. But there are times that he has some type of eppisode where his muscles get real tight and then he gets very mellow and very compliant. It has happened in the car seat, I was in a spot where I could not pull over, he was freaking out crying uncontrollable, by the time I could get somwehere to pull over he stopped and I looked back and hewas soo mellow. To me this was like a person feinning for a smoke that finally got one? I am not sure how else to explain it. This has happened many times, (sadly I look foward to that because then has great behavior). But I am not sure if that is why he is showing signs of ADHD or if this is different or a part of ADHD.. I am just looking for information.
I know that the PSY will help us, but I was looking to you guys to see if you have seen something simular with your kids?
He is almost 4. He has been in school and they have a hard time getting him to sit, and do things. Yet, he will sit and play with playdoh etc. but they say his energy level is up there ( my feeling he is a BOY). I am just trying to get ideas and opinions. I knwo that he has a hard time shutting down and shifting gears , I am not sure if this will just come in time or if there is something else going on.
We have had to remove him from 3 day care settings in the last 6 months and that I know is wearing on all of us, he does not like authority and listening, but I think there is somethin undrlying going on and I just need to figure it out.
I will also talk to my doc office and see what other steps we need to take with him.
We've been dealing with ADHD for a while now and I've never seen anything like that. It's definitely worth mentioning to the psychiatrist. I suspect it's not related to the ADHD (but I'm also not a doctor).
My son and I both have ADD - my son was diagnosed in 1st grade with ADHD although it seems his pre-school teacher (who was wonderful) recongnized it way back when he was 3. He's almost 13 now and takes medication for it and realizes how much it helps him although he did not always feel that way.
But your son's episodes are not symptomatic of ADD or ADHD in any way from all I've learned over the years. It could be learned behavior becuase crying does release endorphins which help our bodies & brains calm down - so without even realizing it he may have come up with a way to calm himself down. On the other hand it may be something different. It's not uncommon for one brain-condition (like ADHD) to come along with another (my son has language based learning disabilities and has struggled with reading and writing although he's a math wiz). Most are managable and can be easily improved upon once you properly recognize and respond appropriately.
The psychogolist / psychiatrist will give you a better idea of what's going on. I've fo und that if you have a good doctor they recognize a condition almost immediately upon mom describing the symptoms, etc.
You're doing the right thing and are a great mom by noticing and taking the correct action to help your son while he's still young. All the best mama!
That does not sound like anything to do with ADHD.. It sounds more like
Epilepsy or some sort of seizures..
I have ADD as do all my kids. I have no idea what you are describing but it doesn't sound like ADHD is the cause or has anything to do with it.
You say he is in his car seat, how old is your son?
You may want to seek out a neurologist.
There's a book that I have found to be extraordinarily helpful, "You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!"
It's geared towards adults, but I hope that won't keep you away from it, because it is packed with information, descriptions, and tools.
I'm going to try and add onto this later - right now it's so brief!
Look into Sensory Integration Disorder. It is often overlooked and looks similar to ADHD. Good luck!
What is the PSY? I work with lots of children ADHD.FORGIVE ME