Stay strong. I went through a similar experience with my older daughter when she was 3 1/2. It was terrible. for the first 3 nights it was crying and screaming at the top of her lungs for her pacifier. She was awake until midnight the first night. this from a child that would go to sleep without any fuss at 7:30 every night. we would read her stories, kiss her, and walk out of her room shutting the door behind us. it was that easy!
it took a good 6 weeks for us to get back on track with the normal bedtime routine. we ended up laying down with her for awhile to ease the transition. then we had to break her of that habit. it was well worth it. she is now pacifier free and bedtime is back to a reasonable routine.
also, if you give in now, think of how much harder it will be for her down the road when you attempt this again. she needs you to be strong for her. she can do this!
good luck. it is not easy (but honestly, what has been easy since you have become a mother?)