I totally get about the custody battle. We paid over 6 figures for ours and still trying to pay off the remaining 34k. It sucks, plain and simple.
I worked full time when I met my now husband. However, I ended up staying home when we *thought* he would get sole guardianship of his spec needs daughter. Ended up his ex wife got her and then promptly moved her 4 hours away. So I debated about going back to work but really liked staying home (and my kids are school aged). So we decided to TRY it to see if we could manage and we did! I have been home now going on 4 years and my kids are almost 17 and 14.
We made a decision though to REALLY cut back on everything. AND my husband is in sales so he's 100% commission only. So we don't know month to month how much he will make. I don't pay full price for ANYTHING anymore! It has really made a huge difference.
I also have been on a (long) mission to downsize everything! I really hit the house hard last year and when it finally cools off here in AZ, I will be finishing the garage and the rest of the house. I can't tell you how much of a difference it has made in keeping the house more organized and picked up. And give up the idea it has to be spotless, it never will be and it's ok.
Also take some time to find some REALLY easy recipes that the whole family will eat. I don't really like to cook nor am I good at it but I keep trying. I try to keep it simple and things that we will all like. And a crock pot is your friend. And google "one pot recipes" and "dump recipes". You basically dump in stuff and cook it. SUPER EASY.
Your kids are still small so it's a crazy time in your life. It DOES get easier as they get older. And have them start doing chores as soon as you can and make sure they do them. I'm trying to get mine to do them now and it would have been SO much easier if they were already used to doing them at a younger age.
Just take a breath and try to relax and get a game plan. Maybe try the MK and see if you can get some income in from that. Cut back on everything and that will help too. Downsize and have a garage sale, that will get you some cash. If it ends up you can't do it then figure out Plan B. And keep your marriage a priority. Have FUN with your husband to keep the love going. Stay together and you can get through everything. Good luck!