As a recovering alcoholic, I had to learn to "stay present". These questions are all in the future.
Bad things will happen, but there is no amount of worrying that will help you control life, outcomes or others. All of these things are outside of your control.
So the trick is to change the negative L. gremlin in your head. I did it slowly and over time, by not playing with it. Like my sponsor said - treat your head like a bad neighborhood - don't go in there alone! :)
Next time an irrational fear pops up in your head - don't answer. Don't participate. Go watch tv. Go play with your kid. Go iron. Anything that doesn't involve playing "what if".
Next time after that - do the same thing. Until eventually, the L. gremlin realizes you won't play and her L. assinine suggestions of death and dismemberment become more and more rare.