It can be very, very difficult to keep your cool and calm with an oppositional child. Walking away from the situation and asking your hubby to step in was a GREAT idea -- good for you! But I know you can't always cound on having someone around to help out.
I have an oppositional child. (He does not have an ODD diagnosis, but he's on the extreme far side of the "within limits" scale.) I can offer you hope that, once you find something that seems to work in managing through the situation with your child, you will regain the control you need to feel human (instead of enraged.) Once you have a response technique, you will regain your 'upper hand' and be able to keep cool. You didn't ask for response techniques, so I won't blather on about ideas. You can IM me if you want.
My hope for you is that this is just a stage your daughter is going through!! And I hope that by simply hearing you are NORMAL and you are not alone helps in some way. Do not be too hard on yourself.