I am going thru tough sleep issues with my 14 month old. She had a series of reasons why we would rock/ feed/comfort in the night for awhile due to colds and teething then it just became habit for her. She couldn't self sooth at night. A friend recommended a sleep sound machine. We have been using it for nearly two weeks and I've seen a steady improvement. Last two nights she slept thru the nite ( probably just jinxed myself for tonight). We start with the music setting when giving her night time bottle, I don't rock her for more than a min after she is done, put her in the crib and she settles down. About 45 min later I sneek back in and switch to the white noise setting and leave it on all night at a pretty high volume so it sounds kind of womb like for her. Hopefuly this method will work for you like it has for my family.