I started having attacks 1 week before I was to be induced. It was an agonizing week. The doctor kept telling me the pain was because I was in my last week but that weekend it was unbareable and I ended up in the ER. It is easily diagnosed by an ultra sound. Many times it can be controlled by diet but mine was so overfull it had to go soon. It was affecting my other organs. So I was induced early and spent 9 days in the hospital while my daughter go to go home after 4 days. They did a C section. Atleast labor pain comes and goes, the gallstone pain was constant and unending. After she was out they could finally give me an MRI to find out the extent of the damage. I had an endoscope one day (they had to flair some tube to let all the stuck stones out) and then the next day the gallblader was removed. My doctor told me he had only operated on 2 pregnant women and prefered not to. Follow that diet closely.