You have gotten a lot of the same advice from all of the other posts and I agree with most of what they are all saying.
Kidney stone: If you are still having pain, talk to your doctor (or Urologist if you have one would be the better choice) to see if you need another U/S. I've had 2 that have passed on their own, but they were very small. Did they give you an estimate of the size of your stone? Depending on how big it is, you may be able to get them to break it up (don't remember how) so it will pass easier. When the time comes for you to finally have a child, delivering without pain medication will be easier then what you have experienced with this current situation.
As for getting pregnant, there are many reasons why you might not be conceiving. Finding out more about ovulation and how your body works will help tremendously.
That being said, and I am not judging in any way, merely talking from my experiences...Married or not, why on Earth would you want to start a family at your age? Yes, babies are wonderful, once you get passed the sleepless nights, the teething, the colic, the..... But babies grow up and have a whole new set of demands. You are barely out of the "child" stage as it is. Don't rush things. Enjoy time with your husband now while you can because once you have a child, your relationship will change. Too many couples split up after having a child. Even ones that have been married for a while or are just plain out older then the two of you. It is true that children can be wonderful, but they suck the life out of you as well. Take this opportunity to get to know who you are and what you want to do before you become somebody's mother for the rest of your life. If you don't take the time to get to know yourself, once your baby grows older and does not want you around, you will end up having an identity crisis because you will not have any direction in your life.
What do you want to be when you grow up...After your child leaves the nest...
Find out now before it is too late!