I read both of your posts, and in my opinion... tired, frustrated and resentful doesn't lend itself well towards affectionate, even if you think you are. It sounds like the two off you need a good heart-to-heart when you're both in the right frame of mind (maybe even treat yourselves to a dinner out). Start out by admitting that you may not be doting on him as much, but that you feel overwhelmed right now. Try to use "I... " statements like "I am not getting enough sleep, waking up with the new one, can't nap because of the older ones, etc." Try to avoid "You... " statements like "You never help around the house". Instead turn it into "It would help me tremendously if you could help with...". Use the opportunity to ask what he wants you to do more of - kissing, surprising him with little treats, whatever he defines as affection. If you don't think it will become a competition or something to throw in each other's face, you could even come up with two lists - one for the things that he will try harder to do, one for the things that you will try harder to do. Try to get your head around a meet in the middle approach, even if some of the things that you're each asking are not things that you or he might like to do... Let him know that you love him and want to make him happy and ("and" is such a better transition than "but" in conversations where you're trying to tread lightly) you hope that he feels the same for you. Good luck rekindling the loving partnership that you both deserve ;)