This may sound over zealous and "too much" in most people's eyes, but I was a lot like your son at 10. Sometimes, I just put it off and forgot about it (because I really didn't want to do it) Sometimes, I remembered, pretended like I forgot and other times, i was secretly being a bit defiant since I felt like (at 10) that kids weren't "suppose to do chores" that how dare they ask me and my sisters to chip in around the house, wasn't that what "mothers are suppose to do for their kids." It's the honest truth. I just had my mind made up about things.....BUT, my dad stopped me in my tracks and frankly, scared the responsible out of me. He told me one night that we had an appointment tomorrow to see a doctor..(me, my mom and my dad) I was totally freaked out by this. My heart started to pound and I knew I was a "good kid" with good grades, but if my parents were going as far to have already made an appt with a "therapist" they called him....then I must really have something wrong with me. Of course, we all sat down and talked about our expectations and the therapist chimed in....yada yada. Basically, I knew that they meant business and in that session, a lot was approached with love. How they wanted me to learn being part of a community, and learning to "mature" for lack of a better word. I hope that helps. Like I said, others may not agree, but for me, it changed everything and I'm so grateful for that "early intervention" :)