New to the Area... - Morristown,NJ

Updated on July 13, 2008
M.F. asks from Morristown, NJ
5 answers

I am a stay at home mom to almost three year old boy/girl twins and recently moved from California. Anyone interested in getting kids together, hanging out, talking, etc.....

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answers from New York on

I'm a mum of 5 and my children are 8, 6, 5, 2 1/2, and 1. I wouldn't mind getting together and letting the kids have a play date. My husband and I only have 1 vehicle so going places might be kinda difficult if he has to have the van but there's quite a few parks around and there's always the mall :) My husband and I were stationed in CA for over a year and we enjoyed it out there a lot. Hope to hear from you soon if you want to get together.




answers from New York on

Hi! Where did you move to? I live in Hopatcong, NJ (Northern NJ) & have 2 girls - one is 10 & the youngest is 4. My house is kind of the neighborhood hangout - usually have lots of children here, but I love it. A great place to meet children would either be the park, the library, it's hard moving period, but I find it so much easier when you have children because they are kind of the ice breaker.



answers from New York on

Hi Christine,

Welcome to NJ.

My children are a bit older than your twins (7 & 10), but a group that helped me out when they were younger & I was a SAHM is Mothers & More. There are chapters all over NJ. Check out




answers from New York on

Hi Christine. Depending upon where you love, there may be a MOMS Club chapter for your town. The MOMS Club is an international support group for at-home moms with numerous chapters. They offer activities for moms and kids, a monthly moms night out, monthly meetings, playgroups, etc. Their web site is



answers from New York on

Hi Christine,

Welcome to NJ! I hope you like it here so far...

Where exactly are you? My husband and I have a 3 year old daughter named Emily, and we liver in Wayne (Passaic County). If you live remotely close, let me know, and we'd be happy to get together with you!


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