Different things to different people:
- Like
- Agree
- DISagree, but makes you think
- Learned something
- Laughed
- Hugs / Support
I am new to mamapedia, but wish I had found it ages ago . . . I could have used it for SO many things, but am lucky to have found it now. My questions is, what does it mean to "send a flower"? As I was reading some questions and answers, I saw the choice to do that, but not sure what that meant, other than you liked the answer, but thought there might me more to it...
Different things to different people:
- Like
- Agree
- DISagree, but makes you think
- Learned something
- Laughed
- Hugs / Support
I use the 'send a flower' option to say - I'm not going to write out an answer to this question because this person has already said exactly what I was going to write!
if you read a response you like then you click send a flower. its like telling the mom good job!
its like hitting like in facebook world. doesnt have an actual meaning
you can give them beause you like the person
because you agree
because it was funny
because you dont agree but appreciate thier response and so on
If your familiar with Facebook its the samething as hitting LIke on it. Basically you like the answer
Sending a flower means that you agree with the poster or are just giving some encouragement.
I will send you a flower and you will find it in your inbox which pops up after you put your curser on your account. I have 4,105 flowers and messages. I still haven't figured out how to clear them, so perhaps another mom can help me out with that.
Welcome, and best wishes.