Bwahahahaha!!! Chicken...lol...nugget...hahaha....button.....!!! That's hilarious! And sad at the same time...shows you the priorities of the current American diet. I would like a "magically create a whole new meal from the leftovers" button.
We just got a 'top of the line' new stainless oven...I am LOVING it!
However...it actually has a 'chicken nugget' button...I am howling with laughter! Why in the world would one need a 'nugget' button? I mean a 'nice crust on your bread button'...perhaps a 'cheese cake' button...but a 'CHICKEN NUGGET" button??
What 'button' would you desire on an oven??
Bwahahahaha!!! Chicken...lol...nugget...hahaha....button.....!!! That's hilarious! And sad at the same time...shows you the priorities of the current American diet. I would like a "magically create a whole new meal from the leftovers" button.
How about a 'clean up my kitchen' button? :)
turn off when done button. or a stay cool oven door
"Dont forget the bread" button. Oops, that's the timer huh?
"dont forget to set your timer" button?
flame thrower
I want to grill upside down inside my house during the 10mo of rain we get round these parts
I might have gotten that range but that button STOPPED me! My new range should show up next tuesday, cant wait. NO chicken nugget button! Maybe you can put some tape over it....that button would have irritated me no end, what were they thinking*?*!!
That is so funny. Perhaps I will name the next cat I get "Nugget Button." And yes, it's a sad testimony to what America is eating. I made us a little chicken nugget/tater tot snack as a treat over the weekend, we call it the "monochromatic meal." Our oven has a "pizza" button, and we actually use that. Thanks for the laugh!