Need Ideas for My New Book

Updated on March 14, 2013
S.F. asks from Balsam Lake, WI
5 answers

I am working on my first Book . Its about Grief and my coping skills . i need ideas as to what else i should include ? i have 2 daughters , victims of MLD . i lost my elder at 8 yrs of age ...she lived in comatose state for 6 yrs and my second daughter turning 4 in april is also in comatose state for past 2 yrs - Please dont Give Snide remarks if you do not like my query .Just Ignore ! Thanks

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answers from Chicago on

Have you looked at all the books currently out there? If not, then do an analysis of what is currently out there and determine how your book could be different.

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answers from Dallas on

A woman I work with is doing her thesis on phases of grief/grieving for children with absent parents. She is relating a lot back to what is already known about grieving and then her research is showing how it is different, but the same for these children.
I think it would extremely relatable to tell your story or write your book on grief begining with what people already associate with the healing/coping process and then point out how this situation is different.

Kudos. Such an undertaking. best of luck

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answers from Miami on

I love that you are doing this, S.. Include that you reach out to others to help you learn how to work with your son. What you have lived through with your daughters is all-consuming, but you honor their memory by learning how to move past it by raising your son, not in the shadow of their MLD, but with the knowledge that he will grow and be strong.

Hugs to you and good luck with your book!

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answers from Atlanta on

Lord, I can't imagine going through this. My heart goes out to you. Just picturing anyone and especially a baby or young child in this state is heart breaking.

Although I don't know what MLD is.

Have you kept a journal about your experiences, your thoughts the feelings and the ungoing medical journey of this? I assume you have and so go with that as your foundation.

I don't know what to say except to put a sense of what transpired during this ongoing life experience, a sense of what happened and how you got through it, how others dealt with it, how the medical people involved acted, how family dealt with it. I'd explore the mystery behind this too. What it meant to you as a mother, person, a soul. What it was like from your standpoint for your daughters. I'd try to cover the whole of it, complete the circle. Perhaps find the blessings and include this as well and how you came to recognize the blessings.

The very best to you and God Bless You

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answers from Los Angeles on

Be open to ideas that do include Christian prayer. Good luck.

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