Hi AriaMom---I recommend going to the website www.pcrm.org and looking at their diabetes section. Dr. Barnard has done studies on diabetics that were NOT carb restricted. Whole grains are a very healthy part of a diabetics diet. Those simple carbs...sugars, white bread/rice and processed foods are the enemy. White potatoes are excellent. It's what we do to them that makes them a problem. His research also shows that it is fat that is the biggest enemy of the diabetic. Fat makes it difficult for insulin to 'open a lock' to allow glucose into the cells for energy.
But for Thanksgiving? I recommend looking for some healthy recipes at www.eatingwell.com and especially at www.vegetariantimes.com. My family made a vegetarian Thanksgiving meal offered by this website (their magazine, actually) 2 years ago. I was just looking for someone else and that menu can still be found on the website. Feel free to contact me if you can't find it.
The biggest impact she can have on her disease is to eat MOSTLY fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes/beans, nuts and seeds. Minimize animal protein and eliminate diary. All will be explained on the pcrm.org website. If she is committed to REVERSING this disease, and it can be done, than she should get Dr. Barnard's book. I would take his advice over any dieticians any day. They adhere to the status quo, which will NOT reverse disease.
Again, any questions, please contact me at any time. Health education is a huge passion for me. I've decided to take control of my own health, because the current system simply manages disease processes and that's just wrong. (Mostly cuz they don't know any better.)
Good luck, be well. D.