This happened to my parents (40yrs married) 4 yrs ago, and my brother in laws last year, my best friends parents last year. So here is my advice. One, your mil, no matter how nuts, crazy, bird brained, etc is going to go through a very rough time. Regardless of how good or bad their marraige was, there was a life built together where she probably had someone to do things with, watch grandkids grow, etc. She has had her trust violated. I'd keep that in mind, and that you have never gone through that.
Second, my dad was a wonderful dad. But the fact is they did a dishonerable thing instead of just being straight outside the marraige. Then he wanted us to be happy for him with the other woman.... Yeah right. There is no way on earth that would happen.I heard all the details from my mom, my brother chose to stonewall her... Both are fine, just tell her face to face.
So I'd recommend some things. One, your husband should have a serious talk with each of his parents that is uncomfortable. I had to tell my dad to his face that I will not bring my kids around the woman. But I told my mom I was attempting to salvage a relationship with him. What does your hsband want?
Its called delete with the emails.... Don't open them. And tell her not to send them. And tell her to go see someone to vent.... My mom did
You need to be supportive of your husband. My brother in law wa so stressed during the first year he got shingles 1st time, gallbladder failure, and has to see someone. Its very stressful. And I know he feels his wife is only so so supportive. It will cause stress in your marraige reagrdless pof how nice you are. Your holidays will suck.. But make an effort to do things with both sides for each holiday for a year. My sil grumped about that and it caused major friction.
This happened to my parents (40yrs married) 4 yrs ago, and my brother in laws last year, my best friends parents last year. So here is my advice. One, your mil, no matter how nuts, crazy, bird brained, etc is going to go through a very rough time. Regardless of how good or bad their marraige was, there was a life built together where she probably had someone to do things with, watch grandkids grow, etc. She has had her trust violated. I'd keep that in mind, and that you have never gone through that.
Second, my dad was a wonderful dad. But the fact is they did a dishonerable thing instead of just being straight outside the marraige. Then he wanted us to be happy for him with the other woman.... Yeah right. There is no way on earth that would happen.I heard all the details from my mom, my brother chose to stonewall her... Both are fine, just tell her face to face.
So I'd recommend some things. One, your husband should have a serious talk with each of his parents that is uncomfortable. I had to tell my dad to his face that I will not bring my kids around the woman. But I told my mom I was attempting to salvage a relationship with him. What does your hsband want?
Its called delete with the emails.... Don't open them. And tell her not to send them. And tell her to go see someone to vent.... My mom did
You need to be supportive of your husband. My brother in law wa so stressed during the first year he got shingles 1st time, gallbladder failure, and has to see someone. Its very stressful. And I know he feels his wife is only so so supportive. It will cause stress in your marraige reagrdless pof how nice you are. Your holidays will suck.. But make an effort to do things with both sides for each holiday for a year. My sil grumped about that and it caused major friction.
I saw your update as well... I would only talk to your fil if your husband wants you to. Encourage him to start talking to his dad. But don't go behind his back. Also. You seem nice... My mom is a wonderfukl, unselfish person. But I would say that first year she was not eating, not sleeping, crying all of the time, talking about it all the time, very self centered, etc... She said something and I love my dad and our relationship is fine now, but she said it would have been easier for her as a widow. And I get that. She has to be in the same city, alone... Share her holidays, miss out on some things even though we try, depending on money situations they may have to work again. Her healthcare bc she's not old enough for medicare, is expensive....
So talk w your husband. Be on the same page. You guys have atleast one year of rough, and my husband seriously did not like how my mom handled things, but I neve told her that stuff and he willinglyy supported me with my parents.
I am eternally grateful to him for it, bc I've seen where the spouse is not supportive.