we had my brother-in-law who is 12 living with us for a while and when he showed up he didn't hardly know how to wipe his own butt, because his mother had pampered him so much. I have a very strict house hold and he was given chores, and a regular bed time. He didn't like either one, and at the beginning it was really hard, but when he went back to his mother after a couple of months, I was really worried that he would go back to being unable to care for himself. But he came to me a year later and thanked me for helping him become a man, and letting him know that there are boundaries. So all I can say is chin up. all you can do is train him in the way he should go and he will be a better person for it. I wouldn't allow him to disrespect me in my own home if I were you, and that is what he is doing by calling you by your first name. and if he does that often then your daughters may begin to think that it is okay. but make sure that he knows that if he is at your house he has to live by the rules and that you love him no matter what decision he makes as to where he lives, but he must follow your rules at home.