J. ; it might be time to just make the noise back to her, it is not a time to eat, its a time to interact, its ok to make the same noise, and after all some of us parents teach the kids this noise without even knowing it, sometimes when we feed the child, we do the airplane noise to get them to open up their mouths, maybe she has learned this noise and just wants to make the noise, so make it with her, and it may go on for a while but when she is good and hungry she will eat, continue being the great dad you are, and keep up the good work, kids love to make noises, and they love for you to teach them more, continue to have fun adn let it be fun, and dont feed her while she does it, just make it a fun game and dont stress over it, yah it s pretty normal for her to make those noises, savor the moments you can be silly together, there will be a time you cant do it any more, just have fun and enjoy life, D. s