Multivitamin for 2 Year Old

Updated on January 31, 2009
M.C. asks from Harleysville, PA
16 answers

Can anyone recommend a multivitamin for a 2 year old that is free of artificial dyes? I don't want to give him a gummy vitamin because they are really bad for the teeth and I just got a liquid that smells (and tastes) awful! Thanks for your help!

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answers from Philadelphia on

Trader Joe's carries a crunchy multi-vitamin that does not have artifical colors. It is in a bear shaped bottle and has different colored animals. My children took those until they were 3 & 5 and then we went to a gummie vitamin without artifical colors. I wasn't concerned with their teeth, they brush after breakfast anyway, but I was concerned with choking.

ann m



answers from Scranton on

Hi M.! I couldn't get my son to take that liquid stuff either, My son is now 21 months, he didn't like it either, it does smell and taste awful! son the morning, I started putting it in his juice with breakfast. He always drinks his morning juice, as I don't give it to him much the rest of the day. That way he gets it everyday with no trouble and he doesn't even know it!

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answers from Philadelphia on

M. - i'm curious as to why you think the gummy vit are bad? Buy the ones that are endorced from Dr. Sears. My son loves them and i know i'm not putting anything bad into his body. We also give him the DHA vit and he eats them up like it's his job. Also - if you are concerned that they truely are bad for his teeth just brush after he eats them. That's what we try to do.

Best of Luck



answers from Erie on

Try Shaklee. They have a chewable vitamin for kids or a powdered vitamin that you add to liquid, cereal, etc. If you do not know of anyone who sells shaklee and want some let me know and I can get some for you. Any more questions just ask.



answers from Philadelphia on

we use good old flintstones vitamins. they have a line of "first" vitamins for younger kids. i still take the regular flintstones myself! couldn't take prenatals because they made me so sick to my stomach that my ob put me on those. me and my son have our vitamins every morning together!



answers from Philadelphia on

try going to whole foods market. they are great there and can help u find what you are looking for, they have a huge selection and it's all organic. thats where i buy my sons stuff.



answers from Philadelphia on

I also use the Animal Parade vitamins from Nature's Plus for my son. We use a lot of the Nature's Plus vitamins- I take their Ultra II One-A-Day Daily vitamins for myself. They offer all different great children's vitamins. The Animal Parade children's daily vitamins are a multivitamin & mineral supplement with whole food concentrates, free from artificial colors and preservatives, free from common allergens (yeast, wheat, soy, and milk), gluten free, and vegetarian. These chewables are a variety of animal shapes with natural fruity flavors. I won't give my son any gummy vitamins either. I've heard that gummy fruit snacks leave stuff behind even after brushing. I guess that's a whole other subject to discuss, but I don't want to take the risk. My son is almost 7 and has already had several cavities even though he doesn't eat much candy or sweets and drinks mostly water and some 100% juice added to water. Anyway, he also takes their Kid Greenz supplement every day. He doesn't like many vegetables, so I wanna make sure he's getting good stuff. He's also taken their calcium supplement(I haven't seen this in a while, I wonder if they still sell it), their brain health one(I forget what it's called- I guess I need some for myself!) and their immune booster(these ones aren't so tasty, but my son loves the rest). They're good, quality vitamins, and I love that they put whole food concentrates in them.



answers from Philadelphia on

I use Baby Plex liquid vitamin for my 2 year old. It's made by Nature's Plus. I think you can get it in any health food store. It's great...all natural, nothing artificial. I mix it with her milk in the morning. Good luck!



answers from Pittsburgh on

Try the stinky vitamin (we use the Target brand of Polyvisol without iron) - my daughter actually likes it and requests it! She's been on it since she was an infant (breastfed - she needed it for Vitamin D) and is now 2. You may be surprised!



answers from Harrisburg on

Green's superfood for Children. Great vitamins plus organic complexes good for development. Totally natural and allergen free.You can get them at a healthfood store.



answers from Philadelphia on

I had my doctor prescribe one as we are vegetarians so I wanted to make sure he got what he needed. He gave us one of those stinky liquid ones but mixed with juice or chocolate milk in the morning he doesn't even know its there. Also, you may want to try one from Whole Foods. They have a great selection and the staff there is VERY well informed.

Good Luck,



answers from Pittsburgh on

When the doctor put my kids on multivitamins he told me to buy the liquid and put it in their juice. I put it in their orange juice every morning and they don't even know its there. Hope this helps.



answers from Philadelphia on

Is the liquid made by Schiff? We use Schiff liquid and if you mix it with straight apple juice he probably will not notice. I buy it online. We give it to him first thing in the morning so he is thirsty and finishes the whole cup. If he does not finish it...will keep presenting it to him and he does not get anything else until it is all gone. That way we know he consumed it all.



answers from Pittsburgh on

If he is eating well, he probably doesn't need a vitamin at all.


answers from Pittsburgh on

My daughter's ped. had her on a liquid vitamin with fluoride until she turned 3. At three she switched to Centrum for children. The fluoride is recommended if your water supply is lacking it. Ask your ped.



answers from Erie on

My 2 year old's pediatrician advised us that as long as she eats a balanced diet - which she does - a multi-vitamin is not necessary. She also gets flouride from our water.

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