It looks like there are a lot of us who have move to Texas from somewhere else (I moved here from Colorado) and experienced similar things. My husband took a job offer in Houston and I had never in my life dreamed of living in Texas (no offense y'all!) The first year I missed my family and Colorado sooooo much that I made myself, my husband and my daughter depressed. I complained about a lot of things; how different everything was, the heat, the mosqitos, the church we started attending, etc. I learned the hard way that when you focus on the negative, you magnify your problems. But when you focus on the positive, or on God, Who is bigger than our problems, then the problems seem to get smaller. Well, the more people we started to become aquainted with, the more we explored our surroundings, the more 'at home we felt'.
It is a choice we have to make. To fight the new chapter in our lives or to enjoy it! It is understandable to have mixed emotions and the children have valid fears of the unknown, however,the mother has a lot to do with setting the 'tone' of a home. So your positive attitude, and encouragement for your children (from dad, too!) will give them the security they need during this huge transition time. It will be a different world for your family down here, but look for the good in things, point them out and talk openly with your kids. One thing that has become a fun and positive tradition with our kids is going to the Houston Livestock and Rodeo every year. It was during this one year that I looked around and watched the families and people I was surrounded by. I fell in love with these people - fun loving, kind-hearted, family-supporting people. There are all kinds of folks around Houston, but ask God to lead you and your children into good relationships and friendships, and He will be faithful to you! Have a safe, smooth move to Kingwood!