Hi E.,
I have the same problem, but the best advice I can give is that you have to be firm and stick to your guns. I don't know what your work schedule is like being a nurse, but try to plan a couple of days in a row where you are off of work. If you are able to, take off a day or two so you have 3-4 days to work with. As soon as she comes in, put her back in her room and shut the door. Just keep on getting up with her and keep on it all night and for the next few days. It will be really tiring, but you just have to keep to it. At this age, naps will start to fade off so take them if you can get them. At night, offer her a favorite book, stuffed animal or a night light.
About being worried, its your and your husbands decision and YOUR's alone. If you decide to keep her in your bed and can deal with it, she'll grow out of it eventually. Having her in your bed is a saftey mechinism that she might be scared because of a bad dream or just wants to be close to you two. There is nothing wrong with it and might make you closer. My daughter is 4 and hasn't napped every day of everyweek for about a year. She's perfectly healthy, she gets naps when she needs them.
Good luck whatever you decide to do!