my husband and i also got married young, and we have been through our share of problems. the thing that you must remember is to be open and honest with eachother. if only one of you wants to keep the relationship going it won't work. if you can you should go talk to a counsler, but make sure it is someone that you can both talk to freely and can trust. it may take him a long time to get over the fact that you cheated, but try to think about things from his side. when you do have fights think about how you would feel if it was him and not you that went outside your marriage. if he brings it up all the time you need to talk to him about the way it makes you feel and get him to talk about how he feels about it. it is never good to stay in an unhealthy relationship, but there is hope. if you both put yourselves into your relationship and try to fix things and are both willing to try to save it you can make it. remember to talk every day, be honest and open with eachother and try to remember why you fell in love in the first place. when my hubby and i got married our pastor told us that to make it work you need to wake up in the morning and think of one thing you can do that will let your spouce know that you care. do one thing every day and you will know that even if it doesn't work, at least you tried. another thing is to always look eachother in the eyes and hold hands when you argue, even if you want to say awful things to him and walk away, if you hold hands and look into his eyes it will make it harder to fight. don't worry too much about him joining the navy, sometimes a little time apart is all you need to remember how much you love eachother and miss one another. good luck, and if you ever need someone to chat with just message me.