Hello J.,
I'm sorry to say, I don't agree with anyone who tells you that your shouldn't sleep with your child. There is NOTHING WRONG with co-sleeping. It has been proven to be more healthy for children under 2 to sleep with their mothers. Don't stress about rolling on your child or anything either. Mother's who regularly sleep with their babies are VERY aware of where their child is and never roll on them unless they have been drinking or taking drugs.
All I can say is, every child and every mother is different. Some mothers need that sleep time away from their child, to sprawl out, to get some alone time. It makes total sense, but everyone is different. If you love sleeping with your daughter, keep doing it! The crib may be beautiful, but its just a piece of furniture! And if you still use it at naptime some than you are still getting use out of it, its serving its purpose.
I slept with my son till he was around 22 months old and I loved it. I did the transfer at that time with easy change techniques, he continued sleeping in my room on the floor on a toddler mattress for 8 months. During that 8 months I slowly changed him over from falling asleep with me next to him, then me in bed a few feet away, then falling asleep without my even being in the room. When I moved, he got his own big boy room and big boy bed and started sleeping in there with no problems.
As for the strict schedule idea: In my opinion, that is not too big of a deal when the child is under 2yrs/18mo. In my case, it was around that age that having a regular nap and bedtime for my son and sticking with it became alot more important both for his attitude and my sanity. But while she's 6mo's I wouldn't worry too much about a schedule.
I guess what I'm saying is, No, you don't want your kid in your bed forever, but if your mommy gut feelings feel good about sleeping with your baby and if you enjoy it, then don't stop yet! And don't let anyone tell you that you need to stop or tell you its wrong. Every child and every mommy is different. Do what feels good to you!
Good luck!