You are right. It is tough and heart-wrenching. No doubt you miss your husband too. I agree with these other moms, videos and voice records help. Making things for Daddy can help too. If you plan to send care packages, let your son make pictures for Daddy or help with the shopping. Some bases have website options with recent pictures or web-cam availability. Also making a photo album of pictures with Daddy and Son doing things together. I even made an album that told the story, so it was a story book about what was going on at the time. You can also include Daddy in all prayer times, so before bed be sure to say a prayer for Daddy and at mealtimes, etc. Sometime Daddy can send a postcard with pictures of where he is or where he has been (based on the assignment of course). Also get in touch with the Chaplain, many Chaplains have resources to help these transitions go easier. I hope these suggestions help. I know you can make it through this tough time.