I went to the same church from the day I was born until the day I left for college. I also went to the Catholic school affiliated with that church. The name of the school was Rosary. I can tell you that I am 26, and I was taught the rosary at my school. There was also a statue of Mary inside the school building (I don't know if it's still there because I haven't been inside the school in 12 years), and there is still one inside the church itself. The changes made during Vatican II were made in an effort to make sure people didn't worship her AS God. She can (and of course they encourage you) be prayed to to ask for her intercession on behalf of us. Regardless of those changes, I don't think there is anyone at ANY level of the Catholic church that would tell you that Mary doesn't have a special place. She was chosen above ALL others to be the mother of God. No one (inside the church) can argue that that's not a major honor.