babies come out of our bodies, we have breasts to feed them. Call it God or call it nature; but mommies are designed to be primary care taker. I know for me personally, I couldn't have it any other way. When I was in my early twenties I told my then boyfriend (who I was planning on marrying), that i was going to go to dental school. He replied "fine, I'll stay home with the kids." In a moment I saw what i felt was my God given right and duty to nurture and care for my own children being robbed from me. I knew I could never let this job be taken from me and planned accordingly. I think your feelings are valid. And though its a tough cookie to swallow, I'v come to terms with the fact the women's liberation has not been all good for us. Many women find themselves unhappy as primary bread winners. What is really sad is that woman have been lied to. Society has told us we are just like men and fulfillment will come from our careers. But I think that sadly this is not the case for most women. I think most woman find fulfillment by nurturing and raising their families. You are feeling robbed of what should be your job and in my opinion, that feeling is valid.