I am finding so many of these responses helpful.
I grew up with a lot of emotional chaos ( personality disorders). There was constant alignment between family members, shifts in alignment, manipulation...blah blah blah.
So I learned a few things from an excellent therapist years ago.
1) I was addicted to drama and became hypervigallant (sp?). Constantly thrown in drama, watching my back, worried about who would line up against me,.........it became the energy for all relationships. I had to "learn" what calm, boring, non- drama relationships felt like. It's hard to "just be" and let go.
2) external locust of control- things outside of me decide how I feel inside of me. This was hard for me to understand. But my environment would determine my mood and or self-worth. I had to learn to put up strong firm boundaries(blinders) from the outside and pull feelings from inside.
3) the triggers don't go away. You just recognize, manage and react to them better.
Feelings are ALWAYS normal.
Reactions to those feelings ARE NOT.
It is ok to feel, have feelings, not like feelings, feel out of control of your feelings, and to not want to feel.
These are all reactions to feelings....you see what I'm sayin'?
Feelings aren't going anywhere it's where YOU put them that can be struggling.
Someone mentioned going to a 12 Step program... I think that is a great suggestion.
Just know you are not alone :-).