E., I think every women "sometimes" think we hate our husband for many reasons but hey they probably feel the same about us sometimes. It's hard being marry and living with another person. I find it emotionally draining sometimes. But we love them nevertheless. I understand what you mean when you say it makes you madder when it seems like he doesn't care. Just remember men don't always show their emotions it is very hard for some them. I can't believe that your children are that needing right now, the youngest maybe a handful but have you asked him well he feels so stressed out when he watching them. My hausband knows that staying at home with three children is stressfull on me and on Saturdays I try to get away from everything and he watching the 2 & 3 y/o all the day. My 8y/o stay at my moms every weekend. My husband does act like it easy to stay at home sometimes but then he stays home with all of them and it gives him a reality check. My advise would to talk to him but not in a judgemental way and not when ya'll are stressed out, like in the morning or night when the kids have gone to sleep. Ask him exact what is bothering him and offer some solutions. Ask him to take one of the kids to the park or do an activty with one. Hope this helps.